Most books are provided free for children 5 years old and up (Kindergarten and up) by school districts and must be returned at the end of the school year. MDQ Academy registers all students with Eastern Suffolk BOCES, which is the local textbook distributor. BOCES will contact each student's family through mail, sending a list of books and an address where the books can be picked up. Children registering with their school district for the first time this school year must confirm their registration by forwarding the Verification of District Enrollment to Request Textbooks form from their school district to BOCES. The form must be signed by a school district representative. This form must be on file at BOCES for all children whose districts participate in verification. Parents of students living outside of Eastern Suffolk must contact their local school districts to inquire about books and bring the required book list, which will be mailed to these students by MDQ Academy and is available at the main office. A list of school districts covered by BOCES is available at www.esboces.org/CB/. Books for Arabic, Al-Qura'n and Islamic Studies are provided by MDQ Academy for free or at a reduced rate. Parents are responsible for paying for any lost/stolen textbooks. Parents are entitled to all workbooks.